S. aureus Model Growth and Decay Rates
Rate R as a funtion of C for t = 1 h. MIC, adaptation and complete models Rate R as a funtion of C for t = 3 h. MIC, adaptation and complete models

Fig. 2a: Staphylococcus aureus strain 1 reproduction or kill rate R[C, t] as a function of time t and meropenem concentration C, calculatd with  "complete", "adaptation" and MIC models. Parameters used, i.e. eqs. (16, 16m), are the ones that give best experimental fits. Lower part of figure shows cross sections through upper part at t = 1 and t = 3 h. MIC[t = 1 h] = 0.029 mg/l, MIC[t = 3 h] = 0.024 mg/l has been determined in Fig. 6 .

Note that at C >> EC50  the Emax model curves lie below the (dashed) MIC model curve, in particular

These kill rates are considerably larger than the cell division rate

R[C = 0] = R0 = 0.33 /h.

To fit the experiments one needs to assign such counterintuitive Emax model rates R (Mattie et al., Mouton et al. 1997, Vinks et al, 2004].


version: 22. Jan. 2004
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Joachim Gruber