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Medical Literature
Medizinische Fachliteratur

International Conference on Lyme Disease and Other Spirochetal and Tick-Borne Disorders (cached versions)

Abstracts von Veröffentlichungen in medizinischen Fachzeitschriften

Allicin: A Medline Literature Survey (Date: 26. April 2000)

Amantadin Stada 100mg (Cache date: June 30, 2005)

Manfred von Ardenne: Research on Hyperbaric Oxygen Pressure Therapy and Cancer Therapy, A Medline-Literature Survey (Date: 13. June 1999)

Asymptomatic Lyme, from: (JWissmille), Newsgroups:, Subject: old post--asymptomatic Lyme disease (28 Jan 1999)

Atovaquone (Meprone) - For educational use only

Bakken LL, Callister SM, Wand PJ, Schell RF, Interlaboratory comparison of test results for detection of Lyme disease by 516 participants in the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene/College of American Pathologists Proficiency Testing Program, J Clin Microbiol 1997 Mar;35(3):537-43

Barbour, AG, Advanced Query, Search Field: Author, Suchbegriff: Barbour AG (31. July 1998)

Barkley MS, Transscript of a testimony,  New York State Assembly Standing Committee on Health, Public, Hearing "Chronic Lyme Disease and Long-Term Antibiotic Treatment", Albany, NY, USA, (27.11.2001, pp. 199 - 227).

Carol Ann Campbell, Hoffnung für Lyme-Borreliose-Patienten, Star-Ledger, Medicine (4. Okt.2001)

Isolates of Borrelia spp.

Brand R and Kelman J, Physicians' Perspective on Chronic Lyme, Rockland Journal-News (20. October, 2003)

Brorson O, Brorson SH, Henriksen TH, Skogen PR, Schoyen R., Association between multiple sclerosis and cystic structures in cerebrospinal fluid, Infection 2001 Dec;29(6):315-9

Burrascano JJ, 1994 California Lyme Disease Symposium - Lyme Disease Resource Center of California

Clearance, Halbwertszeit

Lyme Disease: Studies on the Cystic Form of Borrelia burgdorferi and Mechanisms of Persistence.

Original at (September 2003)

  • Cystic Form of Bb: An Introduction (in cache, January 2011):
    "These abstracts shed light on how Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) is able to survive antibiotic therapy, and on a primary mechanism underlying post-treatment clinical relapses. They document the ability of Bb to change from a spirochete-form to a "cystic" or coccoid form in response to adverse environmental conditions. The cystic forms can later regenerate spirochetes. 17 pages. Last modified: September 2003 "
  • Cystic Form of Bb & Other Spirochetes: Advanced:
    "*Highly Recommended*. This file juxtaposes photographs and quotations from studies dating as far back as the early 1900's to show how spirochetes can transform to and from cystic or coccoid forms. The ability of Bb and other spirochetes to exist in coccoid forms provides a cogent explanation for phenomenon such as latency, persistent infection, and seronegativity. A picture is worth a thousand words! 30 pages. Last modified: September 2003"
  • Cystic Forms of Spirochetes: A Complete Bibliography, 1905-Present:
    "Especially helpful for researchers. This file contains a complete bibliography of over 260 studies with information/observations on round forms of spirochetes (including 63 studies pertaining to Lyme disease), dating from the early 1900's to the present. Relevant quotations from the studies are included.
    53 pages. Last modified: November 2010"

Cysts: Environmental Adaptation of Spirochetes (09 Apr 2000)

Cysts: Historical Observations of Spirochetal Cysts and L-Forms (09 Apr 2000)

Differentialblutbild, H. Begemann: Praktische Hämatologie, 8. Aufl.; Stuttgart (1982)

Drulle J,

Uta Everth, U. Weller, A. Waldherr, VIIIth International Potsdam Symposium on Tick-borne Diseases, Jena, Germany, March 3 - 13, 2005 (im Cache)

Felice A, Brian A. Fallon, Psychiatric and neuropsychological aspects of Lyme Disease, Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association (2002)

Flagyl (Metronidazole) & CSF, A Medline Literature Survey "metronidazole AND csf", Date: April 19, 2000

Gasser R, Orale Behandlung der späten Lyme-Borreliose mit Roxithromycin und Co-trimoxazol, THE LANCET, VOL. 337, JAN 26, 1991, page 241

Generation Time, The generation time of a single cell is the duration TG of a cell cycle, measured as the time between two consecutive mitoses.

Golde WT et al., Immune Response and Western Blotting, Literature selected by Kathleen M. Dickson and presented Oct. 9, 1999 for comment at the Lyme-L Discussion List

Hanegraaf W, Simulating the Immune System (August 10, 2001)

Lyme and Head, Neck and Hearing Disorders

Hydroxychloroquin - Chloroquin (Engl. version):

  • Pharmacokinetische Daten,
  • Erklärung der Begriffe "Clearance", "Verteilungsvolumen" und Eliminationshalbwertszeit
  • Goodman & Gilman's "Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics": Toxizität und Nebenwirkungen
  • Hydroxychloroquin und Lyme
  • Weiterführende Literatur
The ILADS Working Group, Evidence-based guidelines for the management of Lyme disease, Expert Rev Antiinfect Ther 2004;2(1 Suppl):S1-13 (im Cache).

This report, completed in November 2003, is intended to serve as a resource for physicians, public health officials and organizations involved in the evaluation and treatment of Lyme disease. (Report Summary)

Highlights of Guidelines

  • Since there is currently no definitive test for Lyme disease, laboratory results should not be used to exclude an individual from treatment.
  • Lyme disease is a clinical diagnosis and tests should be used to support rather than supersede the physician's judgment.
  • The early use of antibiotics can prevent persistent, recurrent, and refractory Lyme disease.
  • The duration of therapy should be guided by clinical response, rather than by an arbitrary (i.e., 30 day) treatment course.
  • The practice of stopping antibiotics to allow for delayed recovery is not recommended for persistent Lyme disease. In these cases, it is reasonable to continue treatment for several months after clinical and laboratory abnormalities have begun to resolve and symptoms have disappeared.
  • in Cache: Diagnostic Concerns
  • in Cache: Treatment Considerations, e.g. combination antibiotic treatment with
    1. oral amoxicillin, cefuroxime, or (more recently) cefdinir combined with
    2. a macrolide (azithromycin or clarithromycin)

R B Stricker, A Lautin, J J Burrascano, Lyme disease: point/counterpoint, Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther. 2005 Apr;3(2):155-65. (in Cache)

Immune Electronmicroscopy: Hazelton PR and Gelderblom HR, Electron Microscopy for Rapid Diagnosis of Emerging Infectious Agents, Emerg Infect Dis [serial online] Volume 9, Number 3 (March 2003)

Models of Immune Systems: The Use of Differential Equations, A Medline Literature Survey, (Date: 13. April 2000)

Lyme and Immune Complexes - A Medline Literature Survey (Date: February 16, 2000)

Mathematical Immune Response Models - A Medline Literature Survey (Date: March 29, 2000)

Stricker RB and Phillips SE, Endorsement of Inadequate Treatment for Lyme Disease, Annals of Internal Medicine (submitted Marcj 2003)

Demonstrating the Intracellularity of Borrelia burgdorferi, A compilation by Harold Smith (2000)

Klempner MS, Huber BT, Is it thee or me? - autoimmunity in Lyme disease, Nature Medicine 5, 1346 - 1346-1347 (1999)

Kuby J, Immunology, 3.ed, W.H. Freeman and Co,  New York (1997)

Leptospirose und Rattenurin

biologische Leukozytenkurve: Leukozytenverteilung bei akutem bakteriellem Infekt [H. Begemann: Praktische Hämatologie, 8. Aufl.; Stuttgart 1982]

Luger SW, Lyme-Borreliose übertragen von einer Stechfliege/Bremse, N. Engl.J.Med (NEJM). 1990 Jun 14;322(24):1752

Informationsveranstaltung des Borreliose Selbsthilfe e.V. Berlin-Brandenburg (2001)

  • von Baehr R, Der Lymphozytentransformationstest für Borrelien: Neue diagnostische Möglichkeiten für Problemfälle
  • Kursawe H, Klinik und Therapie der Neuroborreliose unter Einschluß der Pulstherapie"

Luger SW, Lyme-Borreliose übertragen von einer Stechfliege/Bremse, N. Engl.J.Med (NEJM). 1990 Jun 14;322(24):1752

Christen HJ, Hanefeld F, Eiffert H, Thomssen R, Epidemiology and clinical manifestations of Lyme borreliosis in childhood. A prospective multicentre study with special regard to neuroborreliosis, Acta Paediatr Suppl 1993 Feb;386:1-75

Lyme Disease: Mechanisms, Resolution and Therapeutic Vaccination - A Medline-Literature Survey (19. February, 1999)

Agarwal GS, (H. Bungay, III, Professor Emeritus, ed.), Microbial growth theory for biotreatment, Growth-limiting nutrient, TERM PROJECT: MICROBIOLOGY OF TREATMENT PROCESSES, Howard P. Isermann Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,  (Dec. 1994, Jan. 1995 and Feb. 1996)

Fallon BA, Neilds JA, Microbiology of Borrelia burgdorferi, Special Article, The American Journal of Psychiatry 1994, 151:11, 1571-1583

Microbiology, Infections, and Antibiotic Therapy, Grand Rounds Presentation, UTMB, Dept. of Otolaryngology (22. March. 2000)

Gruber J, The Inadequacy of the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) concept - Illustrations.

When a bacteria population can be exposed to an antibiotic in-vitro in the same way as it is in vivo, the in-vitro experiments quantify the efficacy of the antibiotic.

When the antibiotic has strong side effects, one has to optimize between those effects and the risk of losing control over the bacteria population. In such critical cases an in-vitro model with only one parameter, the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration, may not be able to describe the development of an in-vitro bacteria population accurately enough.

Stein Goldings A, Controversies in neuroborreliosis, Lyme Disease Conference (23 October, 1992)

Synonyms: immunologically priviledged or protected sites, protected states of existence (antigenic variation, cyst forms, slime layers)

Garth L. Nicolson, PhD (Department of Molecular Pathology, The Institute for Molecular Medicine, Huntington Beach, CA),

Reactivation of Illnesses,, 25 Aug 2002

Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

Fritz Schardt (Betriebsärztliche Untersuchungsstelle, Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universitat, Würzburg, Germany)

  • A New Approach to Chronic Lyme Disease (im Cache)
    ... Diflucan behindert ein Enzym mit Namen Cytochrom P450. Dies ist ein Enzym, das z.B. unsere Leber benutzt, um Chemikalien und Medikamente in ungiftige Formen zu überführen. Borrelia hat eine sehr primitive P450-Abwehr, sodaß -wenn man es behindert-, es leicht geschwächt wird. Daher glaube ich, daß Diflucan das Wachstum und die Vermehrung von Borrelien behindert. Es bringt sie nicht notwendigerweise um. Zusätzlich dringt es gut in Zellen ein und ins Nervensystem und das Gehirn, wo die Borrelien sich verstecken könnten...

    ... Diflucan war damals [als ich es zuerst benutzte] ein neues Medikament, das hauptsächlich gegen opportunistische Pilzinfektionen bei AIDS-Patienten eingesetzt wurde...

  • Clinical effects of fluconazole in patients with neuroborreliosis, Eur J Med Res. 2004 Jul 30;9(7):334-6.

Statine helfen gegen Multiple Sklerose - Deutschlandfunk, Forschung Aktuell, Newsletter, Kompaktinformationen aus Naturwissenschaft und Technik, 05.01.2005

Forscher fanden Substanz, die Entzündungen beim Nervensystem verlangsamen können.

Nature Insight: Host-microbe interactions, Nature Vol. 449, No. 7164:803-842. (Original)

Interactions between symbiotic or pathogenic microbes and the hosts they colonize are central to both health and disease. This rapidly advancing field is now bearing the fruits of interdisciplinary efforts by microbiologists, immunologists, cell biologists, geneticists and ecologists.

Artikel in Cache:

  1. Host-microbe interactions, Claudia Lupp, doi:10.1038/449803a (Original)
  2. The Human Microbiome Project, Peter J. Turnbaugh, Ruth E. Ley, Micah Hamady, Claire M. Fraser-Liggett, Rob Knight & Jeffrey I. Gordon, doi:10.1038/nature06244 (Original)
  3. An ecological and evolutionary perspective on human-microbe mutualism and disease, Les Dethlefsen, Margaret McFall-Ngai & David A. Relman, doi:10.1038/nature06245 (Original)
  4. Recognition of microorganisms and activation of the immune response, Ruslan Medzhitov, doi:10.1038/nature06246 (Original)
  5. Manipulation of host-cell pathways by bacterial pathogens, Amit P. Bhavsar, Julian A. Guttman & B. Brett Finlay, doi:10.1038/nature06247 (Original)
  6. Bacterial pathogenomics, Mark J. Pallen & Brendan W. Wren, doi:10.1038/nature06248 (Original)

version: 11. January 2011
Joachim Gruber